New Delhi

Saturday, December 27, 2003

i wanted to make some change in the trying to work on that..
its good to learn by ourselves:)

Friday, December 26, 2003

The beginning…

Few bygone months were those times when I suffered lot of depressions and emotional turmoils.that was relected in my old bloghome . Now am back to form and now this blog is the reflection of that undisturbed mind.i really wanna open up my mind and that’s why I embarked upon keeping a blogspot of my own.

The first resolution I took for the neo year is that, I will be starting a blog and will be updating that regularly.With all these new year celebrations going around all over the world and being a part of that let me harmonise myself to the opportunities and the suspense the year hold in store for here z wishing myself and you a Happy and Prosperous New year 2004.Live life to its fullest : )
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